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B A I L E Y  V A N  S C H E P E N



                        Hair: red                                                                     Height: 5’8”


 Drinking Problem                                                                                                    Renny                                        Dan Daily

 BEHIND GLASS WALLS: THE ANXIETY PLAYS                                            Haley                                          Jo DiNozzi, Darien DeMaria

 Troilus and Cressida                                                                                                Ulysses                                       Velani Dibba, Columbia MFA

 All Is Fair, Part 2- WAR                                                                                          Tyrant                                        Joe Travers, Hannah Sloat

 Shrewd Steel: Swords of Shakespeare                                                                    Multiple Roles                          Joe Travers, Hannah Sloat


Voice Over

 BREATHE                                                                                                                Aria                                           Lisa McDonald



  Where The Fault Lies                                                                                             Joana (Lead)                              Xander Black



American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA), NY- Certificate completion 2018

STAGE COMBAT: Judi Lewis Ockler, Joe Travers, David Dean Hastings, Rod Kinter, (AMDA NY)

J. David Brimmer (Field Instructor at NYU)

  • Unarmed, Rapier, Rapier/Dagger, Broadsword, Quarterstaff, Sword & Shield

  • Recommended Pass in Single Sword by the SAFD, 2018

  • Recommended Pass in Unarmed Combat by the SAFD, 2018

  • Recommended Pass in Broadsword by the SAFD, 2018

  • Basic Pass in Rapier and Dagger by the SAFD, 2019


Classical- Dan Daily, Dr. Roxana Stuart, Mark Riherd

Shakespeare & Company (Identity, Vitality, and Shakespeare- June 2020)

Contemporary- Ray Virta, Jason Chaet

             Physical Acting- Odin Theatret (Dance of Intentions- June 2022)

Voice- Chris Neher, Dorothy Stone, Angela Eckard

Improv- Michael Hauschild, Sheila Head, Michael Perilstein

Film- Cate Smit, Jim Elliot

Dance/Movement- Jimmy Kichler, America Barcenas


Special Skills

Dialects- Western Irish, General German, Texan, “Southern Belle”, Received Pronunciation, American Standard

Physical Activity- Basketball (5 years as post guard), Softball (14 years as catcher and third base), Whips

Speech and Debate- Policy, Public Forum, Congressional, Extemporaneous Speaking (Informative, Persuasive, Domestic, International), Dramatic Interpretation, Duo Interpretation

Coffee- Intermediate/Advanced latte art (Heart, 3-layered tulip, Rosetta)

Bartending- Advanced

Arcade Machine Maintenance- Intermediate

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